living the best life at the beach

My wife Kori and I have adopted Pacific Beach, CA (“PB”) as our part-time home for several years, with increasing frequency and lengthier stays the past two winters.  One major impact of Covid-19 is the trend for more people to work remotely, and we have certainly benefited from this trend.   Before the pandemic, I conducted all mediations in person. Zoom was unknown to most of us. Since the pandemic, I host most of my mediations on Zoom. I believe Zoom will continue to be the preferred mode for mediations even after the pandemic. 

So, it made sense for us to find a way to live part-time where we love, PB!  Pacific Beach is a chill, relaxed neighborhood by the beach, popular with sunbathers, foodies, and surfers. Trendy hotels, hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurants, bars, and casual cafes line the boardwalk for miles. Our property manager, Molly McCracken, has helped us with housing.  We always try to stay in one of Molly’s small, affordable beach cottages.

Let me get to the point of this post:  We have been intentional about living our best lives here.  We work hard and we stay active. We do these three simple things every day:

1.  never miss a sunset.
2. a barefoot walk on the beach sand every day.
3.  cultivate a spirit of gratitude.


I believe the opportunity to see the sunset every day at the beach is a true gift. My favorite place to watch the sunset in PB is Palisades Park, an area overlooking the beach from a cliff with a beautiful view, a grassy park, popular for yoga, surfing, sun-bathing, and of course, watching the sunset. There’s a natural tendency to stop and stare at a breathtaking sunset. So, we make the effort no matter what to gather every night with locals and visitors alike, waiting for the buildup, hoping to witness one of nature’s most precious miracles. Rarely does a sunset at the beach disappoint, even on a cloudy day!  Watching the sun pass over the horizon helps us feel better and gives us energy. Rain or shine, cloudy or clear, Beach Rule #1 is: Never miss a sunset.

BEACH RULE # 2: Feet in the sand every day

Walking barefoot on the sand every day is Beach Rule #2. For me, the experience is a combination of meditation, very low-intensity exercise, people watching, mental renewal, and mindful prayers of gratitude.  Every beach walk is different.  Every day is different, and every day I go out for various restorative benefits...but always barefoot! Every day the surf is different, the sand is different, the sky and colors are different.  I like to start at sunrise or just before sunset, walking on the beach sand north from our home for about a mile or so, then turning back just past the Crystal Pier. It’s part of the magic of living and working in PB.

BEACH RULE # 3: cultivate a spirit of gratitude

A favorite leader and author said, “Walk with gratitude in your hearts. Be thankful for the wonderful blessings which are yours.  Be grateful for the tremendous opportunities that you have.” 

Every morning at the beach, when I peek outside for that first look at the day, no matter what it looks like— sunny, raining, overcast - I feel so lucky to live part-time and work here.  The challenge, of course, is to hold on to that sense of wonder and gratitude all day.  Sometimes it’s hard to keep that sense of gratitude going, and I must work on it. I know that my life is not free of setbacks, dumb mistakes, challenges, and heartaches.  Being at the beach helps me put these hardships into perspective.  I have a great job, but I work long and hard hours.  I catch myself sometimes resenting the beachgoers walking by who are heading out for sunbathing, surfing, skateboarding, riding their bikes, or visiting one of the many fabulous eateries nearby.  I remind myself that I GET to do this.  The lesson for me is that we find joy not in what’s missing in our lives but in how we can serve others and appreciate what we do have. 

It is a tremendous blessing in my life, regardless of whether I am working or playing at the beach. Cultivating this sense of gratitude for ALL THINGS is Beach Rule #3.